Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hiney Shot

No...there isn't a picture of a hiney on here! lol

But yesterday, I was able to get a shot in my hiney! That means, my RA will subside for awhile until I can get an infusion at the hospital. Sheesh!

I talked with someone in the billing department at the hospital and she said to go ahead and get my infusion and they will wait to bill Medicare. Hopefully, Part B will be reinstated soon!

The other issue is I have a cold. I cannot get an infusion if I am sick. Nor can I get a flu shot. So, for now, I am 'on hold'.

Speaking of 'on hold', I am at work and my client and I are 'on hold' as I write! Ahh...the life of a phone operator for the deaf.

Tonight, we are going to take Sam out to dinner and to Target to buy a little something for his b-day...which was 2 weeks ago. We are planning to go to church as well. Gabe memorized two verses this week for Awana. Pretty soon, he'll get a new patch! :)

Not much news from Alex. I keep trying to call him but he doesn't answer or call back :( He was fighting a cold too...last I heard.

That's all for now!


~Bethany :)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Vent Session

Do you mind if I just VENT for a moment (or two!)?

Maybe I shouldn't though....I mean, God has blessed me with a wonderful life. I shouldn't complain. Really.

Okay...but just for a moment.

Just don't think that I don't appreciate all the wonderful parts of my life!!!

I have Medicare because I don't have insurance at my job. I recently learned that although we pay the Medicare premium, someone decided to CUT my Part B....which pays for doctor visits AND my infusion medication. The thing is, I am DUE for an infusion. I mean, I am struggling!

And guess what else? The lady I spoke with at the Social Security office said that it could take up to 90 days....yes....90 get Part B reinstated.

Now what I am supposed to do??

I need benefits! I need a job with good insurance. I'm just not sure how to do that. What a pain!!

Okay. I'm done. That's my moment!


~Bethany :)

*Really...I DO have a great life!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

New Pics :)

The Detroit Zoo, Mark's big bike race and our new marching band kid!
~Bethany :)

Busy Days...


I haven't written much lately. We've been busy with school, work, etc.

The most exciting venture is Mark's new bicycle repair business--more on that soon!

I don't seem to have time to blog in the evening. We are busy EVERY night!

Monday - Small Group
Tuesday - Mark has class
Wednesday - Awana/Oasis (aka--church!)
Thursday - Mark has class and I have choir (can you believe that practice has started for the CHRISTMAS PROGRAM?????)
Friday - Arrival of step-children (meaning....more busy times!)

I feel like I have SO much to do-especially regarding 'paperwork'. Such as, Medicare apparently stopped providing me with doctor visits (Part B). Why? I have to call them when I am done with work today. I'm sure there is no easy solution. We pay them. Why is there a problem?

Yeah....'issues' such as these keep popping up and they are quickly growing into a huge pile of issues.

Oh well.

Alex is doing well in college! And the other kids haven't complained once about their new school year! Gabe has a runny nose though....he usually gets sick within the 1st few weeks.

I'll post more soon---and some new pics too!


~Bethany :)