Saturday, November 15, 2008

Trick or Treat!!

I was thinking....I'd LOVE to make a sincere effort to maintain this blog. I haven't even told anyone about it (well, except for Mark of course). I was waiting to decide on what I should focus.....
It MUST focus on our stepfamily!

There are many times when I would like to know how other families deal with issues that are created with a family like ours....a non-traditional family if you will :)

The fact of the matter is, there are many, many, MANY step-families. We need to support eachother and know that we are not alone!

So, for now, I am officially making it known (again, I realize no one has really read this blog yet!) that I have changed the blog title in hopes to pursade others to take a peek.

*Regarding the picture: We had such a fun time together on Halloween this year--yes, Mark and Alex are wearing kilts!

~Bethany :)

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